Showing entries 301 - 320 out of 445
Färber, A. (2017). Zurück in die Zukunft: Das Institut du Monde Arabe und die Erfindung des Arabischen im Dialog. Kuckuck. Notizen zur Alltagskultur, 1, 6-11.
Möller, T., Younesy, H., Nielsen, C. B., Lorincz, M. C., Jones, S. J. M., & Karimi, M. N. (2016). ChAsE: Chromatin analysis and exploration tool. Bioinformatics, 32(21), 3324–3326.
Kazepov, Y. A. K., Valeri, E., Gatta, V., Teobaldelli, D., Polidori, P., Barratt, B., Fuzzi, S., Sergi, V., Williams, M., & Maione, M. (2016). Modelling individual preferences for environmental policy drivers: Empirical evidence of Italian lifestyle changes using a latent class approach. Environmental Science & Policy, 65, 65-74.
Möller, T., Fröhler, B. W., & Heinzl, C. (2016). GEMSe: Visualization-Guided Exploration of Multi-channel Segmentation Algorithms. 191-200. Paper presented at Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis 2016), Groningen, Netherlands.
Kazepov, Y. A. K., Dale, R., Rinne, R., & Robertson, S. (2016). Scales, Discourses and Institutions in the Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe. In A. Walther, M. P. do Amaral, M. Cuconato, & R. Dale (Eds.), Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe: Pathways, Policy and Practice (pp. 55-74). Bloomsbury Publishing.
Caglar, A. (2016). Still 'migrants' after all those years: foundational mobilities, temporal frames and emplacement of migrants. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(6), 952-969.
Franz, Y., & Torri, R. (2016). The new social division of the urban space: Gentrification in times of economic crisis. In Unequal Cities: The Challenge of Post-Industrial Transition in Times of Austerity (pp. 69-88). Taylor and Francis Inc..
Motschnig, R., Sedlmair, M., Schröder, S., & Möller, T. (2016). A Team-Approach to Putting Learner-Centered Principles to Practice in a Large Course on Human- Computer Interaction. In IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)
Motschnig, R., Sedlmair, M., Schröder, S., & Möller, T. (2016). A Team-Approach to Putting Learner-Centered Principles to Practice in a Large Course on Human- Computer Interaction. Paper presented at Frontiers in Education 2016, Oct. 12 - 15, 2016, Erie, USA (2016), Erie, United States.
Kazepov, Y. A. K., Sergi, V., Giardullo, P., & Maione, M. (2016). Can air quality improvement be a driver for increasing acceptability of climate change mitigation policies? In W. L. Filho, U. Azeiteiro, & F. Alves (Eds.), Climate Change and Health: improving resilience and reducing risks (pp. 89-106). Springer.
Caglar, A. (2016). Displacement of European Citizen Roma in Berlin: acts of citizenship and sites of contentious politics. Citizenship Studies, 20(5), 647-663.
Färber, A. (2016). Gedankensprüngeausstellung. EASST Review, 35(2).
Färber, A. (2016). La chicha: un objet de la migration contemporaine devenu objet de recherche urbaine. Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, 32(3-4), 100-105.
Franz, Y. (2016). “Life is short, planning is long”: The continuous redevelopment and adaptation of US-American Cities. A report on the fieldtrip to Chicago, Detroit and New York City by the Institute of Geography and Regional Research at the University of Vienna in March 2016. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 158, 365-368.
Kamalzadeh, M., Baur, D., & Möller, T. (2016). Listen or interact? A Large-scale survey on music listening and management behaviours. Journal of New Music Research, 45(1), 42-67.
Färber, A., Raulin, A., Conord , S., Berthomière, W., Ebilitigué, I., Ma Mung , G., & Veiga Gomes, H. (2016). Migrations et métropoles: visées photographiques. Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, 32(3-4), 69-130 .
Färber, A., & Binder, B. (2016). Philippe Bourgois: In Search of Respect. Selling Crack in El Barrio. . In F. Eckardt (Ed.), Schlüsselwerke der Stadtforschung. (pp. 317-334). Springer VS.
Färber, A., & Birke, O. (2016). Saving (in) a common world: Studying urban assemblages through a low-budget urbanities perspective. In A. Blok, & I. Farias (Eds.), Urban cosmopolitics. Agencements, assemblies, atmospheres. (pp. 25-43 ). Routledge.
Humer, A. (2016). Services of General Interest in der EU – räumliche und raumpolitische Dimensionen. InPlanning.
Showing entries 301 - 320 out of 445