Showing entries 141 - 160 out of 425
Färber, A. (2021). The city as a setting for collaboration? Tracking the multiple scales of urban promises. In M. Ege, & J. Moser (Eds.), Urban Ethnics: Conflicts Over the Good and Proper Life in Cities (pp. 47-62). [3] Routledge.
Schorn, M., Franz, Y., Gruber, E., & Humer, A. (2021). The COVID-19 pandemic: impetus for place- and people-based infrastructure planning. Town Planning Review, 92(3), 329–334.
Caglar, A. (Editorial Journalist). (2021). The Enigma of Arrival: Migration Studies, Colonialism, and Coloniality. Editorial. IMISCOE Bulletin. . Web publication
Caglar, A. (2021). The Multiple Tenses of a Postcolonial Age of Migration. a commentary on Samaddar, R. (2020).The postcolonial age of migration London and New York: Taylor & Francis, 2020. Dialectical Anthropology, 45(3), 317-320.
Franz, Y., & Heintel, M. (2021). Themen setzen und kooperativ weiterentwickeln: Zur Etablierung der „unternehmerischen Region“ im postgraduierten Weiterbildungsprogramm „Kooperative Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung“ an der Universität Wien. Planerin: Mitgliederfachzeitschrift für Stadt-, Regional- und Landesplanung , 6/21, 53-54.
Humer, A., Rauhut, D., & Sielker, F. (2021). Unsettled questions of disintegration, discontent and discretion. In D. Rauhut, F. Sielker, & A. Humer (Eds.), EU Cohesion Policy and Spatial Governance: Territorial, Social and Economic Challenges (pp. 272-275). Edward Elgar.
Sielker, C., & Humer, A. (2021). Urban and Regional Inequality Aspects of EU Cohesion Policy: An Introduction. In D. Rauhut, F. Sielker, & A. Humer (Eds.), EU Cohesion Policy and Spatial Governance: Territorial, Social and Economic Challenges (pp. 124-126). Edward Elgar.
Cefalo, R., & Kazepov, Y. A. K. (2021). Verso un approccio integrato alle transizioni scuola-lavoro: un confronto tra Italia e Austria. Quaderni di Sociologia, 84(LXIV), 29-57.
Färber, A. (2020). Gegen UnGleichzeitigkeit? Das Versprechen als alltagskulturelle Vergegenwärtigung von (urbanen) Zukünften. In R. D. Eggel, D. Hänel, O. Sutter, F. Freiberg, A. Graf, V. Huszka, & K. Wolff (Eds.), Planen. Hoffen. Fürchten: Zur Gegenwart der Zukunft im Alltag (pp. 25-41). Waxmann Verlag. Bonner Beiträge zur Alltagskulturforschung Vol. 13
Färber, A. (Author), Jarrigeon, A. (Author), & Groueff, L. (Author). (2020). re-prises. Web publication
Marquard, E., Bartke, S., Font, J. G. I., Humer, A., Jonkman, A., Jürgenson, E., Marot, N., Poelmans, L., Repe, B., Rybski, R., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Sobocká, J., Sørensen, M. T., Vejchodská, E., Yiannakou, A., & Bovet, J. (2020). Land Consumption and Land Take: Enhancing Conceptual Clarity for Evaluating Spatial Governance in the EU Context. Sustainability, 12(19), [8269].
Alexander, L., Mocca, E., & Kazepov, Y. A. K. (2020). Urban Exclusion and Inequality. (pp. 86-116).
Sahann, R., Plant, C., & Möller, T. (2020). A Distance Metric for Sets of Events. In G. Webb, Z. Zhang, V. S. Tseng, G. Williams, M. Vlachos, & L. Cao (Eds.), 2020 IEEE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA SCIENCE AND ADVANCED ANALYTICS (DSAA 2020) (pp. 506-515). IEEE.
Knoll, C., Çetin, A., Möller, T., & Meyer, M. (2020). Extending Recommendations for Creative Visualization-Opportunities Workshops. 81-88. Paper presented at 2020 IEEE Workshop on Evaluation and Beyond - Methodological Approaches to Visualization (BELIV), Salt Lake City, Utah, United States.
Humer, A. (2020). The Poverty of Territorialism. A Neo-Medieval View of Europe and European Planning. Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 78(5), 517-519.
Humer, A. (2020). European Territorial Cooperation: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to the Process and Impacts of Cross-Border and Transnational Cooperation in Europe. Journal of Planning Education and Research (JPER), 40(3), 351-353.
Karatas, I. N. (Producer), Färber, A. (Producer), Egger, T. (Producer), & Nothdurfter, L. (Producer). (2020). Parallele Öffentlichkeiten. Film, Volkskundemuseum Wien.
Ratzenboeck, S., Meingast, S., Alves, J., Moeller, T., & Bomze, I. (2020). Extended stellar systems in the solar neighborhood IV. Meingast 1: the most massive stellar stream in the solar neighborhood. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 639, [A64].
Ratzenboeck, S. (Author), Meingast, S. (Author), Alves, J. (Author), Moeller, T. (Author), & Bomze, I. (Author). (2020). VizieR Online Data Catalog: Extended Meingast 1 source catalogue (Ratzenboeck+, 2020). Software or database
Humer, A., & Granqvist, K. (2020). The gradual city-ness and town-ness of public service locations: Towards spatially sensitive sector policies. Geoforum, 113, 81-91.
Showing entries 141 - 160 out of 425