Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 445
Schmude, T., Koesten, L., Möller, T., & Tschiatschek, S. (2025). Information that matters: Exploring information needs of people affected by algorithmic decisions. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 193, Article 103380.
Caglar, A. (Ed.), Dona, G. (Ed.), Novak, P., & Jha, M. K. (Ed.) (Accepted/In press). A Special Issue on Digitised Migration: Entangled and Uneven Landscapes. International Migration.
Caglar, A. (2025). "Destruction and extraction: reading Wolf at the Edge of Europe.. Manuscript in preparation In D. Kalb, & S. Narotzky (Eds.), Fifty years of Europe and the People wihtout History. Berghan.
Caglar, A., & Yuksel Pecen, A. S. (2025). Introduction - Looking at Warfare through the Lens of Accumuluation: extraction and historical conjuncture. in Situating Global Warfare in Historical Conjuncture. Manuscript in preparation.
Caglar, A., & Yuksel Pecen, A. S. (Accepted/In press). Introduction: Global Warring, Displacement and Accumulation. Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology
Caglar, A., & Yuksel Pecen, A. S. (Eds.) (Accepted/In press). Situating Global Warfare in Historical Conjuncture. Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology Vol. Special Issue
Caglar, A. (2025). Transnational Migration. Manuscript in preparation. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
Caglar, A. (2024). Expanded extractivism, confinement, and (im)mobilized labor in city-making: a longue durée perspective. Dialectical Anthropology.
Breinbauer, V., Franz, Y., Lindsberger, M., & Strüver, A. (2024). Urban Cultures of Care: Mapping (Un)Care in Urban Everyday Life. User Experience and Urban Creativity, 6(1), 10-23.
Kazepov, Y. A. K., & Cefalo, R. (2024). Toward a modular understanding of school-to-work transitions: Comparing Italy and Austria. International Journal of Comparative Sociology. Advance online publication.
Färber, A., Jarrigeon, A., Groueff, L., & Overney, L. (2024). active archives. Web publication
Caglar, A. (2024). Looking Through the Lens of "Essential Workers": A landscape of (im)mobility, Labor, and Social Reproduction. Dialectical Anthropology, 48(3), 367-382.
Schorn, M., Barnsteiner, A., & Humer, A. (2024). Questioning the Covid-19-induced ‘counterurbanisation story’: Discourse coalitions in the promotion of a new counterurban movement in the Austrian public media. Habitat international, 147, Article 103059.
Kazepov, Y. A. K., Ahn, B., & Cucca, R. (2024). The ‘European City’ at the Crossroads: Four Analytical Elements for Understanding Convergence and Differentiation. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 115(2), 267-280.
Kazepov, Y. A. K. (2024). Cities and citizenship: The multilevel governance of social policy. In M. Garcia Cabeza, & T. Faist (Eds.), Encyclopedia on Citizenship Studies (pp. 301-306). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Caglar, A. (2024). City Scales. Manuscript in preparation. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
Colomb, C., & Kazepov, Y. A. K. (2024). Comparative Urban Studies in Europe. In P. Le Galès, & J. Robinson (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Global Urban Studies (1st Edition ed., pp. 87-103). Routledge.
Gregory, K., Koesten, L., Schuster, R. M. V., Möller, T., & Davies, S. (2024). Data Journeys in Popular Science: Producing Climate Change and COVID-19 Data Visualizations at Scientific American. Harvard Data Science Review, 6(2).
Franz, Y., & Krellenberg, K. (2024). Ist Wien klimafit? Climate Walk zur Nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung. Web publication