Showing entries 261 - 280 out of 448
Franz, Y., & Gruber, E. (2018). Wohnen „für alle“ in Zeiten der Wohnungsmarktkrise? Der soziale Wohnungsbau in Wien zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. Standort - Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geographie, 42(2), 98–104.
Humer, A. (2018). Linking polycentricity concepts to periphery: implications for an integrative Austrian strategic spatial planning practice. European Planning Studies, 26(4), 635-652.
Andreotti, A. (Ed.), Benassi, D. (Ed.), Kazepov, Y. A. K. (Ed.), Harvey, D., Smith, G., Sassen, S., Sennett, R., Mingione, E., Ghezzi, S., Body-Gendrot, S., Garcia, M., Le Galès, P., Oberti, M., Oberti, M., Preteceille, E., Morris, L., & Barbier, J.-C. (2018). Western Capitalism in Transition: global processes, local challenges. Manchester University Press.
Möller, T., Sedlmair, M., & Oppermann, M. (2018). BikeSharingAtlas: Visual Analysis of Bike-Sharing Networks. International Journal of Transportation.
Kazepov, Y. A. K., Carbone, D., & Cefalo, R. (2018). Che cos’è il Welfare State: Definizioni, storia e modelli. Carocci Editore spa.
Humer, A. (2018). An Austrian perspective on negotiated land use plans: a means for municipalities to mobilise building land. In Instruments of Land Policy: Dealing with Scarcity of Land (pp. 114-117)
Caglar, A. (2018). Chronotypes of Migration Scholarship: Historical Conjuncture and the Challenges of Radical Contemporaneity. In W. Lem, & P. Gardiner (Eds.), Migration, Temporality, and Capitalism. Entangled Mobilities across Global Spaces. Palgrave Macmillan.
Lipp, M., Cefalo, R., Görgen, N., Alexander, L., & Kazepov, Y. A. K. (2018). Cross-regional measures of contextual living conditions of young adults in Europe.
Franz, Y., Gruber, E., & Hrach, M. (2018). Die Entwicklung des Wiener Wohnungsmarkts. Web publication
Kazepov, Y. A. K. (2018). From Citizenship to Cit(y)zenship: The Changing Borders of Social Inclusion and Exclusion. In M. Schultz (Ed.), Frontiers of Global Sociology. Research Perspectives for the 21st Century (pp. 127-136). ISA Research.
Torsney-Weir, T., Möller, T., Sedlmair, M., & Kirby, R. M. (2018). Hypersliceplorer: Interactive Visualization of Shapes in Multiple Dimensions. Computer Graphics Forum.
Cefalo, R., Kazepov, Y. A. K. (Ed.), & Carbone, D. (Ed.) (2018). Il welfare del futuro. In Che cos'è il welfare state? Carocci Editore spa.
Cefalo, R., & Kazepov, Y. A. K. (2018). Investing over the life course: The role of lifelong learning in a social investment strategy. Studies in the Education of Adults, 50(2), 203-218.
Franz, Y., Kohlbacher, J., & Faßmann, H. (2018). Migration from Central and Eastern Europe is Changing the Urban Landscape: A European-US Comparison. In J. Fritz, & N. Tomascheck (Eds.), In Bewegung: Beiträge zur Dynamik von Städten, Gesellschaften und Strukturen (Vol. 7, pp. 103-118). Waxmann Verlag.
Torsney-Weir, T., Möller, T., Sedlmair, M., & Afroozeh, S. (2018). Risk Fixers and Sweet Spotters: a Study of the Different Approaches to Using Visual Sensitivity Analysis in an Investment Scenario.
Franz, Y., Blotevogel, H.-H., & Danielzyk, R. (Eds.) (2018). Social Innovation in Urban and Regional Development. Perspectives on an emerging field in planning and urban studies. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW).
Franz, Y., & Matoga, A. (2018). Stadtteilentwicklung in den Niederlanden: Vorbereitung und Durchführung einer Fachexkursion mit Geographiestudierenden. Geographische Rundschau (GR), 70(7-8), 62-63.
Färber, A., & Ouardi, L. (2018). Wandel unhintergehbar und erforschbar machen. In L. Ouardi (Ed.), Zwölf Apfelbäume: Selbstbau in der (post)sowjetischen Sommerhauskolonie (1. ed., pp. 9-13). botopress.
Sergi, V., Cefalo, R., & Kazepov, Y. A. K. (2018). Young people’s disadvantages on the labour market in Italy: reframing the NEET category. Journal of Modern Italien Studies, 23(1), 41-60.
Showing entries 261 - 280 out of 448