
Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 445
Caglar, A. (2025). "Destruction and extraction: reading Wolf at the Edge of Europe.. Manuscript in preparation In D. Kalb, & S. Narotzky (Eds.), Fifty years of Europe and the People wihtout History. Berghan.

Caglar, A., & Yuksel Pecen, A. S. (Accepted/In press). Introduction: Global Warring, Displacement and Accumulation. Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology

Caglar, A., & Yuksel Pecen, A. S. (Eds.) (Accepted/In press). Situating Global Warfare in Historical Conjuncture. Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology Vol. Special Issue

Caglar, A. (2025). Transnational Migration. Manuscript in preparation. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology OXFORD UNIV PRESS.

Färber, A., Jarrigeon, A., Groueff, L., & Overney, L. (2024). active archives. Web publication

Kazepov, Y. A. K. (2024). Cities and citizenship: The multilevel governance of social policy. In M. Garcia Cabeza, & T. Faist (Eds.), Encyclopedia on Citizenship Studies (pp. 301-306). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Caglar, A. (2024). City Scales. Manuscript in preparation. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology OXFORD UNIV PRESS.

Colomb, C., & Kazepov, Y. A. K. (2024). Comparative Urban Studies in Europe. In P. Le Galès, & J. Robinson (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Global Urban Studies (1st Edition ed., pp. 87-103). Routledge.

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 445