Showing entries 221 - 240 out of 445
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Kazepov, Y. A. K., Oosterlynck, S., Novy, A., Leubolt, B., Wukovitsch, F., Cools, P., Saruis, T., Cantillon, B. (Ed.), Hills, J. (Ed.), & Goedemé, T. (Ed.) (2019). Improving poverty reduction: lessons from the social innovation perspective. In Poverty Reduction in Europe Oxford University Press.
Kazepov, Y. A. K., Barberis, E., Colombo, F., & Saruis, T. (2019). Istituzioni del Welfare e Innovazione Sociale: un rapporto conflittuale? Politiche Sociali, 23-38.
Showing entries 221 - 240 out of 445