Showing entries 141 - 160 out of 441
Rauhut, D., Sielker, F., & Humer, A. (Eds.) (2021). EU Cohesion Policy and Spatial Governance: Territorial, Social and Economic Challenges. Edward Elgar.
Franz, Y., & Humer, A. (2021). EU Cohesion Policy: towards grounded cities and regions. In D. Rauhut, F. Sielker, & A. Humer (Eds.), EU Cohesion Policy and Spatial Governance: Territorial, Social and Economic Challenges (pp. 216-229). Edward Elgar.
Kazepov, Y. A. K., Cucca, R., Ahn, B., & Verrier, C. (2021). European Cities between Continuity and Change. In Companion to Urban and Regional Studies (pp. 109-134). Wiley-Blackwell.
Friesenecker, M., & Kazepov, Y. (2021). Housing Vienna: The Socio-Spatial Effects of Inclusionary and ExclusionaryMechanisms of Housing Provision. Social Inclusion, 9(2), 77 - 90.
Franz, Y., & Heintel, M. (2021). „Kooperative Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung“: Anforderungen und Einblicke in ein postgraduales Weiterbildungsangebot an der Universität Wien. In J. Fritz, & N. Tomaschek (Eds.), Konnektivität. Über die Bedeutung von Zusammenarbeit in der virtuellen Welt (Vol. 10, pp. 193-212). Waxmann Verlag.
Kazepov, Y. A. K., & Cefalo, R. (2021). La dimensione territoriale delle politiche sociali. Parole-chiave, (2), 85-99.
Caglar, A. (2021). Minorities, War and Historical Conjuncture: A Multiscalar Approach to City Making in a Disempowered City. In A. Gingrich (Ed.), Anthropology in Motion: Encounter with current trajectories of scholarship from Austria. : Country Series vol.4 of the Royal Anthropologial Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Sean Kingston Publishing.
Schmidt-Lauber, B., & Färber, A. (2021). Multidisziplinäre Perspektiven in der kulturwissenschaftlichen Stadtforschung. In R. Kogler, & A. Hamedinger (Eds.), Interdisziplinäre Stadtforschung. Themen und Perspektiven (pp. 77-98). Transcript Verlag.
Faßmann, H., & Humer, A. (2021). Örtliche Raumplanung als Gestaltungsaufgabe. In K. Stainer-Hämmerle, & F. Oppitz (Eds.), Handbuch Gemeindepolitik (pp. 289-308)
Caglar, A., & Glick Schiller, N. (2021). Relational Multiscalar Analysis: A Comparative Approach to Migrants within City-Making Processes. Geographical Review, 111(2), 206-232.
Scandurra, R., Cefalo, R., & Kazepov, Y. A. K. (2021). School to work outcomes during the Great Recession, is the regional scale relevant for young people’s life chances? Journal of Youth Studies, 24(4), 441-465.
Caglar, A. (2021). Situating the "cultural reach" of cities in a multiscalar field. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, 34(4), 437-453.
Purkarthofer, E., Humer, A., & Mattila, H. (2021). Subnational and Dynamic Conceptualisations of Planning Culture: The Culture of Regional Planning and Regional Planning Cultures in Finland. Planning theory & practice, 22(2), 244-265.
Granqvist, K., Humer, A., & Mäntysalo, R. (2021). Tensions in city-regional spatial planning: the challenge of interpreting layered institutional rules. Regional Studies, 55(5), 844-856.
Humer, A., & Rauhut, D. (2021). Territorial Governance Aspects in EU Cohesion Policy: An Introduction. In D. Rauhut, F. Sielker, & A. Humer (Eds.), EU Cohesion Policy and Spatial Governance: Territorial, Social and Economic Challenges (pp. 27-30). Edward Elgar.
Färber, A. (2021). The city as a setting for collaboration? Tracking the multiple scales of urban promises. In M. Ege, & J. Moser (Eds.), Urban Ethnics: Conflicts Over the Good and Proper Life in Cities (pp. 47-62). Article 3 Routledge.
Schorn, M., Franz, Y., Gruber, E., & Humer, A. (2021). The COVID-19 pandemic: impetus for place- and people-based infrastructure planning. Town Planning Review, 92(3), 329–334.
Caglar, A. (2021). The Enigma of Arrival: Migration Studies, Colonialism, and Coloniality. Editorial. IMISCOE Bulletin. . Web publication
Caglar, A. (2021). The Multiple Tenses of a Postcolonial Age of Migration. a commentary on Samaddar, R. (2020).The postcolonial age of migration London and New York: Taylor & Francis, 2020. Dialectical Anthropology, 45(3), 317-320.
Franz, Y., & Heintel, M. (2021). Themen setzen und kooperativ weiterentwickeln: Zur Etablierung der „unternehmerischen Region“ im postgraduierten Weiterbildungsprogramm „Kooperative Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung“ an der Universität Wien. Planerin: Mitgliederfachzeitschrift für Stadt-, Regional- und Landesplanung , 6/21, 53-54.
Showing entries 141 - 160 out of 441